Thursday, December 9, 2010

HDR Photography

I think HDR photography is really cool, and makes ordinary pictures look really unique and unusual. I don't have a problem with people choosing to use high dynamic range photography. I believe using your camera to its fullest ability is nothing to be ashamed of.
Some of the controversies surrounding high dynamic range photography include photo realism vs. surrealism. People seem to have problems with HDR photography because they think it makes the photograph look sloppy and unnatural and blurry. Most photo critics don't like HDR photography because they feel the purpose of photography is to capture life, realism, and moment, and HDR photography defeats that purpose.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Black & White A - Z

A - Abercrombie
B - Bear

C - Christmas Tree
D - Dog
F - Flag
G - Great Lash Mascara
H - Hollister

I - Ice Skating

J - Jergens

K - Kit Kat
L - Laura
M - Money

N - Nail Polish

O - Octopus

P - Perfume

Q - Q Tips

R - Reeses

S - Snowman

T - Tree

U - Ugly Jewelry :)

V - Videos

W - Water

X - "xtra" change ;)

 Y - Yellow Bracelet

Z - Zipper

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Second Photo Critique

This picture does not have a lot to it. It is basically a night shot of a tide coming in. The first thing I notice when I see this shot is the intense dark parts to it. It is not very colorful, and the mood it sets is definitely not a happy one. When I look at this photograph, I feel almost nervous. It makes me feel as if there is something wrong in this photograph. I believe the color of this photograph has a lot to do with the mood it gives off. I don't see this photograph as giving off a lot of emotion, or a lot of anything to be honest. I don't really know what the photographer was trying to express in this photograph, because i can't tell what it is supposed to mean. I can't find any symbolization either, which would help to try and figure out the meaning and mood of the photograph. The photograph is technically okay by the book, but it is still too dark for my liking. There isn't really anything interesting or a whole lot going on in the picture. Also, the dark blacks out almost half of the picture. It would of been nice to see more of the sky, even though it was most likely night. The colors seem to fade as going further back in the picture, and it almost looks too photo shopped with colors. The middle of the photograph seems to be the lightest, and that's unusual to me. I believe the photograph could of definitely used lighting differently to improve this picture. I do like how you can see the texture and color of the tide coming in. Because of the color of the sand and tide, the foam of the tide is really exaggerated and i think that gives this picture a nice touch. Some good parts on this picture are the texture of the tide. Also the color of the sand gives off a good night time vibe. Some parts worth improving is that the sand looks too perfect to me. There is nothing to it, no layers, no texture, nothing. I do not like the way that looks. I also don't like the darkness the photo gives off. I believe the photo would be  a lot better if there was more color and you could actually see the sunset.  Altogether, this photograph isn't bad, but it definitely isn't something special. I would give it a rating of 5 out of 10.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Photo Critique

The picture has a lot to it. There is tons going on, and the first thing that catches my eye is the rainbow. The water is the next thing that draws my attention. Also, the dark texture of the rocks is another key part. When I look at this picture, I feel like relaxing. It gives me a cool yet tranquil feeling. I think this photograph is about peace, and the real beauty of nature since it involves a lot of natural elements. This photograph is technically okay. I do not see any mistakes that the photographer has made, and the colors all correspond correctly. The rainbow brings some color into the photograph, and although it doesn't go with the cool pattern, it gives the photo a refreshing feeling. This photographer did a very good job artistically. The photo is in color, and should be in color. All the ratios and the view point is how it should be. You can really see the difference between the foreground, mid ground, and background. My favorite parts of this photograph is the textures you can see on the rocks and ocean. The color of the sky really corresponds with the ocean, giving it the early morning feeling. Some things in the photograph that i think could use improving is the major glare at the bottom of the rainbow. To me, this almost looks photo shop and it looks as if it is unnaturally glowing. The photographer should have stuck with the all natural pattern he was using if he did end up using photo shop to enhance the rainbow. Overall, i believe this photograph is good. I would give it a 8 out of 10.